RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

what kind of lighting was used as all possible kinds of crystal chandeliers had already been seen. It does not matter what impressions they can make. The purpose itself is very clear: the manner in which a report from formal meetings will be opened. The message is being permeated with the purpose. We can somehow feel that the report is monotonous and tiresome. As time went on the reporters realized this and now it can hardly be seen during a TV report that a crystal chandelier is included in the shooting plan. 111 The hidden meaning of the TVpicture, or uncontrolled information and messages as the primary contents of uninventive television Whether we want it or not, television constantly sends out messages as messages аге the premisses of the TV act. Where does it come from? It comes from the fact that the material of TV language is reality itself in front of which TV cameras аге placed. Reality contains a lot of meanings which »crawl into« the TV shooting plan besides the primary event due to which the TV camera is present. This situation cannot be avoided. This is good as we gain the totality of the event which is a special obstacle to manipulation of TV information. Just because of this fact it can be said that the TV medium represents the medium of truth, although not the medium of full truth. The »hidden« information and messages give liveliness and enormous width to the basic and main information at the same time. An experienced TV viewer fmds the contents of the TV picture more complex than the producer of the TV message wants. All the complexity of a vital situation is discovered in front of the TV camera, and not only the characteristics which the prođucer wants to show a viewer. A lot of examples can be given. A less experienced viewer also relies : on his own experience and looks for a possible answer after he could not get an explanation and noticed some details. One of the possible ; answers will be unexpectedly different from that опе which the producer wanted. It will be, depending on the experience of the viewer, transferred to the primary message, in this ог that light. This is all we can now say about this acceptance of the picture from different points of view. We must remind you that this perceptive mechanism is a characteristic of each viewer although not in the, same way. »The hidden messages«, coming from the TV programme structure itself, are more important than this for the people who work in television.