RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

public has enormous importance. And so, although nobody wanted it, its was a political failure and it was caused by ignorance of television communication. It was due to the fact that the people who worked оп it were not able to articulate, control and direct the television message. What happened? The comentator trod the usual path during the historical introduction. It was a long and tiresome resume of ah our obvious successes. He gave all the data which dlustrate growth such as facts, numbers, etc., in a chronological and pedantic way. Besides measures such as tons of steel, KW hours, he also used a methođ of comparison in order to underline the industrial success, by comparing the present situation and the situation before the war. This method is very favoured and it is often used in similar situations, and it was especially used in the years after the war. The facts were wefl-known but together awoke a feehng of triumph, There is no doubt about it An important and visually impressive film shooting plan in motion stands behind the editor. This movement gives dynamics to the television sequence which had spread over and connected with the meaning of the comments, making a deep emotional impression. The producer repeated it several times. To our regret it was repeated more than necessary by connecting the beginning and the end into an endless tape. Everybody wanted to use its simultaneous sensitive and symbolic influence. At the first moment, this was realized as an emphasis of the historic beginning of our days, by means of visual language. It overlapped - it means that the underlined importance of fhe subject is achieved by the repetition of characteristic gestures ог phases of the shooting plan. Ву a long tum in circle the attention was not transferred only by the tuming, repetition of the picture; its original meaning was lost and a new one occurred but not coming from the subject of the picture; but from its structuring into the television message; water-movement-town-water movements-town-water-movement-town; constantly the same. That is a new meaning. It included the comments too, the enumerating of successes. The attention of the viewers was divided and the editor seemed like a man who talks about the same thing ah the time. The comments were too long and the turning of pictures in the background gave an opposite meaning. It even got a sense that the editor was being laughed at. Children playing - a comparison with the situation from life, tuming their arms in circles behind somebody who was taiking, express their тоскегу of his words. There is an analogy: the stmcture of the message is identical. In that way the real successes of our people and society are made relative and political!y meaningless through irony and the television message. It reaches political failure at the end, although the intentions were not ambiguous. Therefore, the structure of the teievision message itself has its own