RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

3) WMch, together with a number of joint services and the Gramophone Record Plant, is made up of Radio Belgrade and Television Belgrade, signified hereafter as ’RTB’.

4) Composed solely of senior programme managers.

essentially new quality was added with the engagement of various professional societies (writers, composers, etc.) in the process of evaluating and complementing draft programme plans. In addition, every individual person has the opportunity of registering his ог her personal opinion with a special department at each station charged with collating reactions to the pubhshed documents. To describe this entire mechanism more clearly it is necessary to give a more detailed account of how the pubUc debate proceeds, and here it is best to give a concrete example from one of the radio broadcasting organizations. We wffl set out briefly how this process unfolds today at Radio-Television Belgrade 3 ), where experience with it is already five years long. Work on drawing up the programme plan for the coming уеаг begins in June when, paraUel with the work of the joint commissions of aU the repubhcan and provmcial stations on harmonizing the scheme of joint programmes, the editors of the individual programmes at Radio Belgrade and Television Belgrade prepare drafts of their own future work. These drafts аге filtered and harmonized within the coUegiums (staff committees) 4 for each programme department and the station as a whole. At the end of September, having gotten the stamp of the programme councUs’ approval, the Draft RTB Programme Plan is ready and a condensed version is soon thereafter pubUshed. Since it is very interested in the course and the outcome of the pubUc discussion itself, RTB takes an active part m preparing and holding it, as weU as in summing up its results. FoUowing this there аге numerous meetmgs m work organizations, local commuruties and communes on the territory of the repubUc. GeneraUy, mdividual opmions аге put fonvard at most of these meetmgs and conclusions drawn from them аге communicated in the next round of meetings in which, in contrast to the first round, representatives of RTB take a direct part, explaining relevant sections of the proposed documents and replying to questions put by others taking part m the discussion. Particular importance is attached to this series of meetings and special attention is paid to the choice of miheu in which