RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

average figures calculated on the basis of nine fourteen-day DB’s with a total of about 130,000 citizens questioned and tens of millions of different bits of organization processed. Let us go back fifteen years and рау attention to the number of radio and television subscribers in the Socialist Republic of Serbia at that time. In the Republic with its Autonomous provinces there were about 662,000 radio subscribers and 28,000 XV subscribers, according to the Radio and Teievision Department at that time. The small number of TV subscribers can be accounted for by the very short tradition then in the deveiopment of the medium and its spread into a mass phenomenon. Radio at that time, however, already had a thirty-five уеаг tradition behind it (in 1961) but a small number of the population who could listen on their own sets. We аге reminded of the times when on!y the most outstanding workers could buy »Kosmaj« radio sets with special coupons (the author of this text once had the opportunity while staying in the countryside on a research trip to see and listen to those then already archaic models about which their owners spoke with such pride) and we should be able to contend with some justification that a section of the population had no chance at all to take part in a radio communications system. This means that the population of lower educational and materiai status, including the agricultural population and those whose homes were not then electrified had absolutely no possibility of listening to the radio so , that it is only in the last fifteen years ог so that the population has begun to be equipped with apparatus which are inseparable from the development of civilization and the rise of the standard of living. Today double the number of households have radio sets. THE NUMBER OF LISTENERS IN THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Information on the number of listeners or viewers of particular broadcasts or programmes is obtained on the basis of verbal statements by the respondents on their listening or viewing the previous day to the day of the investigation and these are recorded in a universal questionnaire