RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue
ТНЕ TASKS OF THE RESEARCH DEPARTMENTS AT RTV AND THE PERSPECTIVES OF THEIR COOPERATION In spite of insufficient data, bibliography still enables a review of the work of our research departments and discovers their problems in a special way. We have already tried to discuss critically the work done by the departments - if it is possible to make апу conclusions about it on the basis of the research titles only. Although there were quite a lot of mistakes and weaknesses it must be determined that the research departments at our RTB institutions did a very useful work: they collected anenormous quantity of data regarding the scope, constitution, taste and habits of the viewers and listeners. It also has an indisputable importance for both radio and television. However, it is not possible to make апу conclusions about the problems which these departments have in their work just referring to these data, This сап be done only indirectly. Bibliographic data contain our explanations of these problems. If we cannot answer to this problem we can at least open two questions. The first is: What should the orientation of some research services at RTB institutions be like in the future?, and the second: What is their mutual task in the researches of electronic media in the whole country? The basic problems and tasks of the Programme Research Service of RTV Ljubljana were defmed five aears ago when the first conference of the research centres in Vugoslavia was held in Portorož. It seems that they аге still current and not exclusively ours. Therefore, they can be shortly repeated in the following way: 1. Our services should leave routine and empiric researches which treat recipients as static units, i.e. those who саггу individual social and demographic signs outside their social and psychological reality. 2. The subject of the research should be - programmes, the analysis of their efficiency as well as their accordance with the social tasks and aims. Ву such studies we shaH help to solve the problems