RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue
to events ог an imaginative participant in them. This gives birth to the event and offers the magical possibiJity for intellectual and imaginative building up of pictures from life. It avvakens the desire for personal participation, and in return offers man a personal choice to take action in buiJding his own happiness and that of society. And it is опЈу if radio (and teJevision) do not fail to do this and to do it in this way, that we shalJ be able to say that this medium is on the way to making its fulJ contribution to transforming words into deeds. Сап this problem be seen more сЈеагЈу? Of course. Just as it can be stated better and more precisely! But it is certain that each of us should be searching for and fmding better theoretical and practical answers. And for that a lot of love and hard work аге necessary...