RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

This is not, as it sometimes appears in practice, an idyllic but monotonous picture, but rather a combination of differences ai.d contradictions of which Comrade Budakov rightfuhy spoke, in a kind of dialectical unity of efforts to achieve this unity. I believe that only in this way can we really act in an integrated manner and at the same time struggle against nationaiism and unitarism in this ог that form. These have been and are the most dangerous elements of disintegration and counter-revolution, which has also been shown in pracdce in some phases of Yugoslav development, to which we too have contributed in the recent past to a greater or lesser extent. We have experience of this too. Finaly, I think that our posidons аге clear. The new роИсу is contained in the consdtudonal acts of the federation and also in the Constitution of Tugoslavia. It is contained in the LCY programme. It is contained in congress decisions, the decisions of the X Congress. It is contained in ап interview given by President Tito to Vjesnik. Global, political commitments are therefore clear. The problem lies in putting them into practice. We now speak on such subjects more frankly than we did four years ago, which demonstrates that the awareness has grown that our job is extremely delicate and responsible. This makes it necessary for us to w ork in a more responsible and thorough manner in our centres and in the framework of all organs and structures of Yugoslav radio-television and beyond. BRANKO PUHARIĆ Director of TV Zagreb In the desire to contribute to the search for some subjects which we could earmark for a more analytical study, I shall attempt to say a few works on how I see the current situation in Yugoslav television and how I see some trends, account of which ought to be taken. Just as each state is the result of some past relations and at the same tune the point of departure for some future trends, so the present situation in Yugoslav television is characteristic of everything which has happened in the last twenty ог so years in the process of the constitution of the television network and the medium of television in Yugoslavia. In this respect we may say that Yugoslavia, in the light oi Europe and even of the whole of the world, has achieved exceptional results. It is a fact that today we have 8 television studios, but the achrevement does not lie in the number but in the achievement that today each national culture, each socio-political commumty has the medium of television which confums its national, social and political equality. In the conditions in which we live and work and at the time when all this is happening, to leave a nation without the possibility of expression by means of television would