RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, 01. 01. 1983., str. 135
Stressing the universal character of information and communications, Đorđević looks at the world of information and the world of communications, of which the first constitutes ”an immeasurable range of newly-acquired knowledge which will, iike all previously acquired perceptions, at least for a time comprise the subject of communication and information practices”; these, in the study by this expert on the theory of information and mass media, shape up as a comprehensive human activity. Knowledge about it can be gained and it can be conceptualized if it is ”logically, linguistically interpreted, that is, interpreted by appropriate symbolic practice outside the bounds of the social агеа where the empirical experience is encountered”. Certainly this does not mean that the Љеогу of information fences itself off into its own theoretical model, that it is sufficient unto itself and that it runs away from an infinite number of "encounters with empirical experience” which in the final analysis must be surmounted by the theoretical efforts of communicology, ог, the Љеогу of information. In part owing to Ље underdevelopment of this scientific discipline, and partly due to Ље requirements of university teaching, Đorđevič was compelled to present a closer definition of Ље very concept of information and in doing so to refer to Ље founder of cybernetics N. Wiener. Also he had to go into greater detail in explaining Ље structure of information, factual messages and messages formed at evaluation level. Taking Ље message as Ље central category of his research, Đorđevič has given quite a detailed and precise explanation of it, noting Ље truthfulness and objectivitv of a message, its intention and tvpe, while insisting on semantic and aesthetic messages. In analyzing Љlз phenomenon, he shows such erudition that even his oversights can be justified; erudition Љак spontaneous гаЉег than intrusive, is traceable to Ље author’s thorough knowledge of Ље material in question and of Ље theorists working on Ље problem. Đorđevič shows consideration for Ље opinions of everyone he deals with and is ready to honour even arguments not quite compatible with his own opinions and arguments.