RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

or a nation ог nationality than that nation ог nationality itself. This, of course, does not mean that there are no general Yugoslav criteria, as a form of internationalism and a part of general humanist goals, but they аге based on value criteria formed within the culture of each nation and nationality. There is also the danger of the culture and intellectual creative expression of one nation ог nationality, especially when it is large, overshadowing another nation’s or nationality’s, particularly if it is smaller in size. In cooperation it is therefore indispensable to take саге that it is not just a matter of cooperation between large nations of nationalities, and to рау considerably more attention to the cultural-intellectual values created in the context of smaller national collectives. The central radio stations аге not only part of national culture, but an important factor in the critical consciousness of that culture. They must nurture criticism capable of discerning new, original values of cultural-intellectual creations and to help preserve and assert them as a continuation of all that is progressive in the national cultural heritage. The prerequisite for this is the existence of Marxist criticism, criticism that, as Comrade Kardelj said, will be”action, demolition, creativity, in brief - assuming social responsibility”. The social advisory boards, as a significant mode of self-management in culture, act as a kind of social critical review of cultural-intellectual creations and an important means for overcoming апу elititft exclusivity and nationalistic, liberalistic and monopolistic tendencies. The model I have presented here could be further extended with other elements and facets. I have set out only the primary ones. However, for it to function it is essential, amongst other things: to establishe a unified system for gathering, processing and presenting data on the programmes of the central radio stations (programme statistics) and to order them at the republic/ province level, or at the level of Yugoslav Radio-Television, and to organize joint research into radio’s role in