RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

represented. Municipalities with more than 200,000 residents were excluded given their unipue position within the country and complex metropolitan character . The communities investigated were ; * Tilburg ; situated in the south of the country; population 174,000; station producing only community radio programming , e Groningen ; provinciai capital in north of the country; population 16 8,000 station producing both community radio and television programming; ® Gouda ; situateđ in western section of the country; population 61 ,000; station prođucing community radio and occasional television programming; e Helmond ; in southeastern section of country; population 6 3,000; station producing only community radio programming; • Weert: located in southeastern section of country; population 40,000; station producing community radio programming and cable newspaper; e Meppel: located in northeastern section of country; population 2 3,000; station producing community radio and occasional television programming . Although the research activity focused on the introduction of two cab|e services - cable newspapers , and local radio and television stations - only information related to the local stations is presented here , in particular related to local rađio . It is important, nevertheless, to note that it is not always possible , nor desirable , to make sharp distinctions between the cable services . The meartgg and place of a particular service is created in relation to other services and other media within a locality . Seven of the aspects relevant to the introduction process of such services are presented in this section of the paper : (1) station initiatives , (2) goais and objectives , (3 ) organization structure , (4 ) internal actors , (5) external actors, (6) use and opinion , and (7) relation to other media . STATION INITIATIVES The first initiatives for local rađio and television in the Netherlands deveioped out of dissatification with traditional media . In this sense the development should be placed in a broader discussion prominent at the end of the 1960s which was