RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Response mechanism will provide feedback from the audience through surveys and interviews . The radio research department as part of the broadcasting corporation will be permanentlv evaluating these responses on the basis of the scientific methođoiog/ . Coorđination between external agencies and the PBC will be established for research purposes . Information about social, agricultural and developmental needs will be communicated to the concerneđ departments for possible use and improvement (see Figure 2). Conceptually , the model will establish links in two directions : government departments and semi-autonomous/private organizations . These will include agricultural departments , research mstitutions , universities , extension services , credit banks and other organizations which provide seeds , fertilizers and technical supplies . Another important component of the model includes culture, history , trađitions , values , attitudes , religion and languages . This structural background will determine attitudes of the target population for an overall anaiysis . Radio messages will be molded according to these socio-cultural variabies and auđience attributes . The new strategy places an overall emphasis on this communication component which has been a neglected aspect in all development projects in the past . The role of communication in the strategy will be to ratse awareness level of the audience through information transformation and trainmg assistance for social change and development . Besides the explained theoretical model, the strategy also encompasses an operational dimension to implement the project . This operational component mcluđes dimensions of the pilot project, location of broadcastmg centers , communicator's aspects , trainmg process , technology perspective , content and language of the message , content style and presentation , content categories , audience participation , use of folk and cultural media, education and listeners groups, cost o-| the project . evaluation and research and fmally , the admmistrative aspects of the project . Before embarkmg upon the strategy a pilot project will chalk out details of the project and will ехрозе loopholes to be removed in the fmal plannmg . Target areas will be selected accordmg to a formuia based on cultural , imgual ог geographical identities , whichever seems appropnate . Cornmunicators for the target audience wiil be seiected from the