RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

» Altheide , D.L., Show , R . (1986) 'The Grammar of Radio' (in : ) Gumpert, Cathcart, 1986b. » Barnett, S. , Docherty , D . (n.d.) 'Endgames ; Does Public Service Have a Future?' (in; ) S. Barnett, D.Docherty, Public Service Broađcas.ting in Transition, BRU , London. » Berrigan , F.J. ( 1977) (ed. ) Access: Some Western Models of Communit/ Media . UNESCO , Paris . • Beauđ , P. (1980) Community Media? Loca) Radio and Television anđ Audio-visual Animation Experiments in Europe , Council of Europe, Strasbourg • Blumer , J.G. (1985) ‘The Social Character of Media Gratif ications' (in : ) K.E. Rosengren , L.A. Wenner , P .Palmgreen ’ (eds . ) Media Gratifications Research . Current Perspectives. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills , London , New Delhi. » Blumer, J.G. et al. (1986) 'Broadcasting Finance and Program Quality: An International Review ,' European Journal of Communication , Vol. 1 , No . 3 . » Branscomb, A.W., Savage. M. (1978) 'The Broadcast Reform Movement; At a Crossroads' Journal of Communication , No . 4 • 'Broadcasting Policy and Međia Reform' (1980) Communication Research Trends, Vol. 1, No. 3 » Browne , D.R. (1984) 'Alternatives for Local and Regional Radio : Three Nordic Solutions ,' Jourhal of Communication Spring . • 'Cable news service teams with radio programming firm for business radio networK' ( 1988) Broadcasting, Мау 7. • Cantor, M.G., Cantor, J.M. ( 1986) 'Regulation and deregulation: telecommunication politics in the United States' (in ; ) Ferguson, 1986. » Carđiff, D. ( 1980) 'The serious and the popular : aspects of the evolution of style in the radio talk 1928-1939' Media , Culture and Society Vol. 2 , No . 1 . » Cathcart, R. , Gumpert, G . (1986) 'Mediated Interpersonal Communication : Toward a New Typology' (in ; ) Gumpert, Cathcart, 1986. » Chevaldonne , F. (1987) 'Globalization and orientalism,: the case of television serials' Media , Culture and Society , Vol. 9,N0. 2. • Commercial Radio . A Practical Policy for Additional Services for Country Listeners (1986). Federation of Australian Radio Broadcasters , по place of issue . • Dahlgren , P. (1983) ldeology and Information m the Public Sphere . Stockholm University , Stockholm . • Dean , R . (1986) 'BBC plans enhanced radio/TV operations' Worlđ Broadcast News , September . • Direct-to-Home Satellite Broadcasting for Canada , Department of Communications , Ottawa , 1983