RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

• Ronge, V. (1987) 'Hediennutzung versus personale Kommunikation' Rundfunk und Fersehen , No .4 . e Rosengren, K.E., Windahl, S. (1972) 'Mass Media Consumption as a Functional Alternative' (in: ) D . McOuail (ed.) Sociology of Mass Communication. Penguin Books, Harmonđsworth • Sepstrup , P. (1987 'Media Policy in a World of Changing Media Patterns' (in ; ) Smuđits , 1987 . « Smudits , A. ( 1987) (ed . ) New Media ; A Challenge to Cultural Policies . VWGO , Wien . • Streeter.T. ( 1987) 'The Cable Fable Revisited; Discourse, Policy , and the Making of Cable Television,' Critical Stuđies in Mass Communication, No . 4, 1987 • Svendsen, E.N. ( 1987) Aggressive Defense? Public Service Broađcasters under Competition in Norđic Countries and the Netherlands , mimeo . « Tamura , M. ( 1987) 'The Information Environment around the Japanese People' Studies of Broadcasting . • 'The BBC takes giant step with Radio Data System' ( 1988). World Broadcast News , April. « The English Radio Development Project ( 1983). CBC, Ottawa. e Thomas , S. (1986) 'Mass Media and the Social Order' (in : ) G.Gumpert, R, Cathcart (eds.) Inter/media. Interpersonal Communication in a Media World . Oxford University Press . New Уогк , Qxforđ . ® Tramer, H., Jeffres , L.W. (1983) 'Talk Radio - Forum anđ Companion ,' Journal of Broadcasting , Summer . e Turow, J. (1974) 'Talk Show Radio as Interpersonal Communication ,' Journal of Broadcasting , Spring • Van Cuilenburg, J.J. (1987) 'The Information Society: Some Trends and Implications' European Journal of Communications , Vol. 2 , No .1 . « Van Hauteghem, C. (1976) (eđ . ) 'Les televisions ouvertes,' Etudes đe radio-television, No. 21 e Vogel, D. (1987) 'Enter the user-frienđly radio' The Observer , April 5 • Vreg , F . (1985) 'Political Communication anđ the Construction of Social Reality' Informatologia Vugoslavica 17 (1-2) 39-45 • Wallis , R. , Malm , K. ( 1986) 'National ldentity in a Changing Worlđ of Media Technology (in; ) Smudits , 1987. « Wedell, G . (1987) 'Media Policies and Social Objectives' (in:) A.Smudits, eđ. New Media: A Challenge to Cultural Policies . VWGO , Wien . • Whitehouse , G. E. ( 1986) Understanding the New Technologies of the Mass Media . Prentice-Hall ,Englewood-Cliffs , N. J « Williams , F . ( 1984) The New Communications . Wadsworth Publishing Co . , Belmont, California .