Science Record


Shall the contribution of Fig. 1 be counted once or twice? In this paper it is assumed that the contribution of diagrams of this type should be counted only once.

The following assumptions about the strong interaction constants 2y £2 °**, Zs, are assumed:

—%= = %,=8,=8£., 8&5 = & = & = && = &x, : (9) With the help of the experimental data of the transition probability of K*—p* +v and x*—p* +», the ratio between g. and gx can be

derived. The Feynman diagrams describing these two processes are very very similar to each other. It is easily found that

ge Nn = me 2 22 — 18 (=) (2am ms) F (10)

2 2 2 &k mK, Mx — Mp

Mx, Mx m, being the masses of K, 7, » mesons respectively.

By using the above assumptions the following results are obtained:

Table 1 Theor. value Exp. value! W y+ span —— 1.0 0.46 + 0,06 : 0.54 -+0,06=1 W s+ nant W = aan 1.5 654533545 W nen? Cee Tee tm 4S0y2 Wade 2 2.77 £0.15: 0.78 + 0.07 21.58 + 0.17 = S26 eS 23

Here W represents the transition probability and + the mean life time. From the value of the ratio of g?/gz, the ratio of life times of K-meson and hyperons can be calculated. The result is

E66 (1)

Ova a

while the experimental result is (1.2240.013)X10- : (1.58 + 0.17)X10-" = 78. The branching ratio of the K*-meson decay calculated is:

Wretoyt pe Wetoetyndgut Wryetapt anv = 162120067 . (12)