Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


was spent by lamplight with singing and music, and in cohabiting with the king. ‘These women of the harem also accompanied him when he went hunting.”

Of the Lydians Xanthus (Ath., xii, 515d; FH G., i, 39) had informed us that it was their custom to castrate not only boys but also girls, to be employed as eunuchs in the palaces of the great (see infra, ch. Vii. §2, pp. 507-12).

As Timeus (Ath., xii, 517¢; FHG., i, 196) attests, it was the custom among the Tyrrhenians that maidservants should wait upon the men naked. This is confirmed by Theopompus (AZh., xii, 517d ; FHG., i, 315), who adds: “It was a law amongst the Tyrrhenians that the women were common property. They took the greatest care of their bodies, and often practised gymnastic exercises together with men and often among themselves; for they considered it no disgrace to show themselves naked. They did not take meals with their husbands, but with any men who happened to be present, and drank with anyone they liked ; they were very fond of drinking, and very beautiful. The Tyrrhenians bring up all the children who are born, often without knowing who their father is. When they are grown up, they live in the same manner as those who reared them, often arrange drinking bouts and have connection with all the women they meet. It is not considered objectionable among the Tyrrhenians to have to do with boys openly, whether actively or passively, for paederasty is a custom of the country. And they have so little shame in regard to sexual matters that when the master of the house is enjoying the society of his wife, and anyone comes and asks for him, they say quite calmly that he is engaged in this or that, at the same time mentioning each act of indecency by its name.

“When they are with friends or relatives their custom is the following. When they have stopped drinking and are going to bed, servants bring in to

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