Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


211; protectress of women, 214; Artemis Cordaka, 120, Corythalia, 121, Orthia, 195, 503

Artificial allurements, 84 f., 381, 407, 4353 see also Cosmetics, Jewellery

Askolia (game), III

Asparagus, superstition concerning, 365

Aspasia, 255, 351 f., 399

Ass, sacred to Dionysus, 219, and Priapus, 221 ; superstition concerning, 365; Lucius and the, 158 f.; Silenus and the, 221

Astynomot, 334

Atalanta, 207

Athene, 42; birth, 186 f.; cult, 186; in beauty contest, 97; games in honour of, 109; temple profaned by hetairze, 179 ; protectress of women, 214; and Hephestus, 188

Athenians, their love of luxury, 9

Athens, sacked by the Persians,


Athletic sports, see Games

Atimia, 60

Atthis, Sappho’s favourite, 320, 323 f.

Attic Tragedy, 133-9 ; 139-53

Attica, morals of, 94

Attis, 215

Aulete, see Flute-players

Aurelian, 296

Aurora, see Eos

Autocleides, 149

Autolycus, I41, 422, 454

Axine (“‘axe’’), as hetaira-name, 408

Axiochus, shares wife and daughter with Alcibiades, 14

Axle, burnt at weddings, 45


Babylon, religious prostitution in, 124, 389

Bacchantes, 99, 113

Bacchis and Plangon, hetaire, 400

Bachelorhood, punishment of, 34, 69

Ball-games, 166, 422; description, 91

Ballets, 155, 252, 279, 488

Banquet, 98, 167, 252, 285, 519; on day after wedding, 56; at Olympic Games, 106, 107; at the Lenza, 111

Barbers’ shops, as male brothels,

448 n.



Barrenness, superstitions cerning, 365

Basileus, 168

Baths, 99, 301; the bride’s, 42 ; in brothels, 406 ; objections to, IOI ; prostitutes at, 338, (male) 448 n.; public, 100 ; women’s, 100

Bathing, 90, 99-102

Bathing-drawers, 80, 102

Bathyllus, a favourite of Anacreon, 433, 471 f.

Batrachus, favourite of Hesiod, 463

Baubo, legend of, 501

Baubon, 314 f.

Beard, earliest, 417 ; false, worn by women, 128 ; grown by priestess of Athene, 497


Beautiful, the, synonymous with

the Good, 295

Beauty, love of Greeks for, 5, 87, QI, 212, 434, 524; power of, 309, 359; Socrates on, 398; Greek ideal of, 418, 425 f., 525 ;

male and female contrasted, 427

Beauty contests, 87, 96; among men, 97

‘* Beauty-parlours,” 12 and n.

Beetles, in witchcraft, 374

“* Begging Helen,” as hetaira-name, 409

Belestiche, 267

Bellerophon, story of, 228

“Best man,” at weddings, 45

Bestiality, on the stage, 157 f.; see also Sodomy

Betrothal customs, 39, 4°

Bigamy, 69; incestuous, 14, 517

Bilistiche of Argos, the hetaira, 404

Bithynians, effeminacy among the, 14

Biting, 310, 359, 504

Blackmail, 33, 34

Blushing, 309, 359, 433

Boedromion (month), 115

Boeotia, customs in, 45

Boidion, the hetaira, 354

Bombycine vestes, 86

Boots, in witchcraft, 379

Boreas, 212

Bosom, Greek enthusiasm for, 311, 348, 506

Boxing, 104, 106

Boys, avarice of, 437; behaviour

of, 96; brothels for, 438 ff., 448 n.; castration, II, 497, 507 ff.; choruses of, 120;
