The Aryan origin of the alphabet : disclosing the Sumero-Phœnician parentage of our letters ancient & modern


Civilization and of civilized writing, both hieroglyphic and alphabetic. It thus necessitates a new re-orientation of the facts of Ancient History and of the History of our Modern Civilization.

The Aryan Sumerian parentage and evolution of all the leading alphabets of the world, ancient and modem, is displayed in the Plates. And the letters of our alphabet at the present day are seen still to preserve more or less the characteristic features of their Early Sumerian parent picture-writing.

It is seen that the Semites (including the Hebrew) + and the Hamites borrowed their alphabetic letters from their Aryan overlords, along with the leading elements of the Aryan civilization. This explains the remarkable and hitherto inexplicable unity in the elements of the Ancient Civilizations. It thus affords further evidence for the conclusions set forth in my previous works that Civilization is mainly a matter of Race, and that the Higher Civilization is broadly Aryanization, through the culture evolved by our especially gifted and scientific Aryan ancestors of the Northern fair long-headed race—culture evolved for the use of themselves and descendants and subjects and for the world in general.

This leading part played by the Aryan race in the evolution of the Higher Civilization, including the Alphabet, and the continued advance of Civilization especially within that race and in the mixed latter-day peoples in which the Aryan element is conspicuous, supports the theory of heredity and of Darwin’s law of selection. It also appears to indicate that man’s higher destiny is being shaped largely by the Aryan racial characters in his composition or in proportion to his assimilation of Aryanization. Just as, on the other hand, the racial deficiency in the mental outfit of the African Bushmen and the Australian aborigines rendered them impervious to Civilization.

1 Not represented in the Plates through want of space.