The Aryan origin of the alphabet : disclosing the Sumero-Phœnician parentage of our letters ancient & modern


names of persons and places in agreement with the Sumerian monuments and early records, as shown in my forthcoming new, and for the first time /iteval, translation of these epics as “The British Eddas ’—the most ancient surviving epics in the world—and their preponderating British words, indicating admittedly their origin in Britain, are now shown to be much more numerous than hitherto supposed.

In short, this new evidence from the Alphabet and its letters, in confirmation of that detailed in the Sumer-Aryan Dictionary and in my previous works, now places the identity of the Sumerians with the Early Aryans, and the SumeroPheenician origin of the Britons and their Civilization, upon the solid foundation of concrete fact. It thus opens up a new era in Ancient History and especially in the History of our Aryan Ancestors, the Sumerians, the Khads, Kads, “ Catti,’” Guti or Goths.