The Aryan origin of the alphabet : disclosing the Sumero-Phœnician parentage of our letters ancient & modern


Beta, letter-name, 55

Black-letter, Gothic, 25

Boustrophedon writing, Cadmean, 16, 66; Hittite, 66; Runic, 66

British alphabet, 4, 15, 22

British Eddas, the ancient historical British Gothic epics, 73.

British Runes, 21, 73

Britons, Pheenician origin of, 73

Brito-Pheenician writing, 4,20 fa 72 fe

Brutus, first king of Britons, inscripts. of, 4, 20, 41

Byblos, inscripts. of, 3, 4

C, letter, late redundant and ambiguous, used by Romans, ro, 27, 31, 36, 73

Cadmean, Aryan Pheenician alphabet, 3\f, 5 4., 56 £.

Cadmus or Cadmos, Aryan Pheoenician king, introduces alphabet into Europe, 2, 3 f., 16 £., 67; as inventor of alphabetic writing, 671., 70; date of, 67 f.

Cadiz, 17, 20, 35

Czedmon’s runes, 73

Cappadocian writing, 64 f.

Carchemish, variant spellings of, 3 5

Carians, alphabet of, I7; as Phoenicians, 17

Carthage, alphabet, 17

Catti or ‘ Hitt-ite,’’ variations in spelling name, 32 f., 51, 63 f.; as Ancient Britons, 64 f. ; writing of, 64 f.

Cedi, variant of Khatti or Catti or Hittite, 52

Cedilla, 43

Celto-Iberian, see Iberian

Ch, letter, 517, 57; interchange with gutturals, 52

Changes in form of letters, 14, 23 f.

Chatti, variant of Khatti, Catti or Hittite, 52

Cilicia Phcenician inscripts., 17, 65

Consonant signs in Sumerian, ro f., 26 f.

Consonantal, Hittites, 65

Consonants, inherent a in, 11, 71; dropping of final, 36

Cornwall, Phocaeans as Phcenicians at tin-mines of, 18

Crete signs, 26

Cuneiform writing, Babylonian and Assyrian, 14 f., 63 ; Hittite, 64 f. ; Old Persian, 18 ; alphabetic signs in, 15 f.

Cursive writing, 14, 20, 23 f.

Cyprus, alphabet of, 17

mono-, writing of

D, letter, Sumer original of, 2a object pictured by, 27; as numeral, 60; interchange with T and Th, 28, 48; minuscule, 28

Dar, changing to Thor, 28, 40, 48, 65

Dar-danos, as Thor-Dan of Eddas, 28

Darius, King, alphabetic inscripts. of, 18; cuneiform alphabet of, 18 f., 25 f.

Date of invention of alphabetic writing, 61 f., 67 £.

Delta, letter-name, 27, 55

De Rougé’s theories on Egyptian origin of alphabet, 6 f. ; disproved by new evidence, 69

Demotic writing, 63

Dentals, 59

Devanagari, see Nagari

Digamma, 30

Direction of writing, 4, 16, 19, 25; Aryan direction, 4, 16, 19, 23, 25; Semitic direction, 16, 19, 25

Dropping of final consonants, 35

E, letter, Sumer original of, 10, 28 ; object pictured by, 28 ; minuscule, 28

Ear, Sumer origin of word, 50; sign for, as W, 50

Eastern alphabet, 14

Eddas, the, ancient historical British Gothic epics, 21f., 73; remote date of originals, 73

Egypt, alphabetic letters in Early, as signaries, 51., 15, 62f.; now found to have been used as Sumerian word-signs for personal names, 5f., 12f., 62¢.

Egyptian “ aphonic’”’ signary signs, I2

Egyptian demotic, 63

Egyptian hieratic, 63

Egyptian hieroglyph pseudo “ alpha betic ’’ writing, 6, 26, 35

Egyptian hieroglyphs, derived from Sumerian, 3, 13, 69, 72; theories on, 6f., 69

Egyptian, vowels in, 72, O in 39

English alphabet, 22, 24 f.; genealogy of, Plates I and IT

English runes, 21, 73

Etruscan alphabet, 18 f.

Etruscans, as _ Lydians, Pheenicians, 18 f.

Europe, letters introduced by King Cadmus, the Aryan Phcenician into, 2; alphabet of, 14

Evolution of alphabet, 14 f., 60f., and Plates I and IT

18 f.;