The Aryan origin of the alphabet : disclosing the Sumero-Phœnician parentage of our letters ancient & modern


Reversed writing, see Retrograde

Right to left or retrograde writing as in Semitic (Hebrew, etc.), 3, 16 f., I9, 68

Roman alphabet, 22 ; British alphabet earlier than, 22; order of, 58, and see C

Rougé, M. de, see De Rougé

Runes, see Runic alphabet ; dotted, 21; British, eastern, English, Icelandic, Northumbrian, Scandinavian, Ulfilas, western, 21, 73

Runic alphabet, 2tf.; 25f.; derived from Sumerian, 73; on British monuments and coins, 21 ; remote antiquity of, 73; script of the Eddas, 21

S, letter, Sumer originals of, 43 f.; objects represented, 43 f.; three forms of, in Sumerian, Semitic Pheenic., Hebrew, Egyptian, Sanskrit, etc., 44 f.; interchange of forms, 44 f. ; interchange with Z and in Greco-Roman with C, 43 £., 27

Samekh, letter, 45, 57

Sanskrit, script, see Nagati; vowels @ inherent in consonants, reason disclosed, 11

Sargon-the-Great of Agade, an Aryan, 4; as father of Menes, 43 as a pre-dynastic King of Egypt, 4; period of, 12

Sayce, Prof., on Karian letters, 17

Scandinavian runes, 21 f.

Semitic, theories on origin of alphabet, = £.3 writing from Aryans, 8, 71; inherent a in consonants disclosed, 11, reversed writing, see Retrograde

Sig title of Thor in Eddas, as Sumerian Sakh or Zagg title of Lord In-Dara or In-Duru, and Sakko, title of Indra, 62

Sigma, Sumer origin of or, 44

Signary, theory of alphabet, 5 f.

Sumer-Aryan Dictionary, 3, I3, 15

Sumerian alphabetic Signs, to f., 14f.; parents of alphabetic writing, 9, 14 f., 23f., 64, 7I

Sumerian language, parent of Aryan languages, 9, Io f.

Sumerian writing in Indus Valley deciphered, 23, 49, 63

Sumerians as Early Aryans, 3, 4,5) 9 £., £3, 15, 70

Syllabic writing, 5 f.

Syria ve Hittites, 64 £., 66

T, letter, Sumerian original of, 46; object pictured by, 46; interchange with D and Th, 28, 46

Tablet cuneiform writing, 14; Hittite or Cappadocian, 64

Taylor, Canon I., on alphabet, 16 f.

Th, letter, dialectic for D, 28, 47 £.

Theories on origin of letters, r f.

Thera, alphabetic writing introduced into, by Cadmus, 16, 68

Thor, first king of Goths (or Sumerians), originally spelt Dar and Dur, 28, 40, 48; Andvara, Andara or Indara, title of, 64; Sig title of, 62; as inventor of writing, 68 f.

Thurs-day, named after King Thor,


Tibetan writing, 19

Trade-marks v. letters, 5 f.

Tree-twig writing, see Ogam

Tsade-letter, 43

Tues-day, Gothic origin of n., 47

Tyre, Cadmus Pheenic. king of, introduces alphabet to Europe, 2., 68

Tyrrenes or Etruscans as Pheenicians, 19 f.

U, letter, Sumer original of, 48; objects pictured by, 48; interchange with A, O, and later with consonants, F, V and Y, 25, 48 f.

Udug, King, votive stoneé-bowl, oldest historical inscript. on, 61

-Ulfilas, Gothic Bishop, runes of,


Upsilon, 48

Uruash the Khad, early Sumerian king, founder of first Phoenician dynasty, 9

V, letter, a late consonantal value derived from U, 49; interchange with F, 49

Vau, letter-name, 48

Vowel-signs in Sumerian, ro f.

Vowels, in Egyptian, 71; inherentin consonants, 11; order of in alphabet, 59

W, letter, Sumer original of, 50; object pictured by, 50; interchange with M, 38, 50; and with ? Ph, 58 and see Plate II

Welsh alphabet, 22

Western alphabets, 14