The fourth dimension


on to a greater multiplicity of dimensions, and the

significance of the process here briefly explained

becomes more apparent. Take three mutually rectangular axes in space 1, 2, 3 (fig. 59), and on each mark three points, the common meeting point being the first on each axis. Then by means of these three points on each axis we define 27 positions, 27 points in a cubical cluster, shown in fig. 60, the same method of co-ordination being used as has been described before. Each of these positions can be named by means of the axes and the points combined.

Thus, for instance, the one marked by an asterisk can

be called 1c, 26, 3c, because it is

$s opposite to ¢ on 1, to b on 2, to

c on 3.

Let us now treat of the states of

consciousness corresponding to these

positions. Each point represents a

1 2 composite of posits, and the mani-

fold of consciousness corresponding to them is of a certain complexity.

Suppose now the constituents, the points on the axes, to interchange arbitrarily, any one to become any other, and also the axes 1, 2, and 3, to interchange amongst themselves, any one to become any other, and to be subject to no system or law, that is to say, that order does not exist, and that the points which run abe on each axis may run bac, and so on.

Then any one of the states of consciousness represented by the points in the cluster can become any other. We have a representation of a random consciousness of a certain degree of complexity.

Fig. 60.