The fourth dimension


when any axis becomes any other, such a set is transformed into itself, its identity is not submerged, but rises superior to the chaos of its constituents ?

Such a set can be found. Consider the set represented Fig. 62 in fig. 62, and written down in

—_ the first of the two lines—

Self- la2b 3c 1b2a30 1c2a3b 1c2b3a 1b2c¢3a 1a 20 3b conjugate. (le 2b 3a 1b 2¢ 3a 1a 2c 3b la2b3e 1b2a38e 1c 2a 3d

If now a change into c and ¢ into a, we get the set in the second line, which has the same members as are in the upper line. Looking at the diagram we see that it would correspond simply to the turning of the figures as a whole.* Any arbitrary change of the points on the axes, or of the axes themselves, reproduces the same set.

Thus, a function, by which a random, an unordered, consciousness could give an ordered and systematic one, can be represented. It is noteworthy that it is a system of selection. If out of all the alternative forms that only is attended to which is self-conjugate, an ordered consciousness is formed, A selection gives a feature of permanence.

Can we say that the permanent consciousness is this selection ?

An analogy between Kant and Darwin comes into light. That which is swings clear of the fleeting, in virtue of its presenting a feature of permanence, There is no need to suppose any function of “attending to.” A consciousness capable of giving an account of itself is one which is characterised by this combination. All combinations exist—of this kind is the consciousness which can give an account of itself. And the very duality which

* These figures are described more fully, and extended, in the next chapter.