The fourth dimension


across our space we must call our cubes tesseract sections. Thus on null passing across we should see first null f., then null s., and then, finally, null f. again.

Imagine now the whole first block of twenty-seven tesseracts to have moved tranvyerse to our space a distance of one inch. Then the second set of tesseracts, which originally were an inch distant from our space, would be ready tocome in.

Their colours are shown in the second block of twentyseven cubes which you have before you. These represent the tesseract faces of the set of tesseracts that lay before an inch away from our space. They are ready now to come in, and we can observe their colours. In the place which null f. occupied before we have blue f., in place of red f. we have purple f, and so on. Each tesseract is coloured like the one whose place it takes in this motion with the addition of blue.

Now if the tesseract block goes on moving at the rate of an inch a minute, this next set of tesseracts will occupy a minute in passing across. We shall see, to take the null one for instance, first of all null face, then null section, then null face again.

At the end of the second minute the second set of tesseracts has gone through, and the third set comes in. This, as you see, is coloured just like the first. Altogether, these three sets extend three inches in the fourth dimension, making the tesseract block of equal magnitude in all dimensions. ;

We have now before us a complete catalogue of all the tesseracts in our group. We have seen them all, and we shall refer to this arrangement of the blocks as the “normal position.” We have seen as much of each tesseract at a time as could be done in a three-dimensional space. Each part of each tesseract has been in our space, and we could have touched it.