The great pyramid passages and chambers

Jesus, and now every time we read of these events we shall have fresher interest in them.

381 This visit to the birth-place of the world’s Saviour was one of peculiar interest to us, for it had been revealed to us by studies prosecuted about a year ago, that Bethlehem has a direct connection with the Great Pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt.’ The importance and force of this connection may be more apparent if, first, I should present some Scriptural evidence having a bearing on the subject. In the second chapter of Matthew, we are told how at the time of the birth of the child Jesus, there came ‘‘ wise men from the east” enquiring where he was that was born King of the Jews; and how King Herod, fearing a possible rival, was troubled and asked the chief priests and scribes “‘ where Christ should be born.” He was answered: “In Bethlehem of Judea: for thus it is written by the prophet, ‘And thou, Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.’”

382 The narrative, continuing, tells how the wise men went to Bethlehem, and being led by a star, found the child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshipped him. After their departure, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “ Arise, and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt.’ Joseph, therefore, ‘‘ took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt, and was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, ‘ Out of Egypt have I called my son.’”

383. We recognize, and it is generally acknowledged, that in Scriptural usage Canaan symbolizes heaven, and Egypt the present evil world—Par. 160. Accordingly, when Jesus was sent from Bethlehem into Egypt, this typified the heavenly Father sending his beloved Son from the glory of heaven into this world of sin and sorrow to be “ perfected through sufferings,’ and so become qualified to be installed as the ‘‘ Head-stone”’ of the Great Antitypical Pyramid, of which the stone Pyramid in Egypt is a type—Acts 4:10-12. Again, when God, in fulfilment of the prophecy of Hosea 11: 1, called his Son out of Egypt, an illustration was given of the risen and perfected Christ being lifted up from this sinful world to heavenly glory, and there highly exalted—Phil. 259-11

384 With the Scriptural connection between Bethlehem and Egypt established, it is interesting to find that the Great Pyramid in Egypt indicates its direct connection with Bethlehem by means of one of its dominant angles, 26° 18 10", which both the Descending and Ascending Passages form with the horizon—Plate IX. For if we use the parallel of latitude on which the Great Pyramid stands as a base line, and draw a straight line between Bethlehem and the Great Pyramid (Plate XC), the angle which is formed at the Pyramid by these two lines will be found to be 26° 18’ 10”.

1 Dr. Seiss suggested Jerusalem, but, as will be seen, our calcv ytions properly indicate Tethlehem.

* According to the careful observations made by Professor C. Piazzi Smyth during his investigations at the Great Pyramid in 1865, the geographical position of the Great Pyramid is expressed as in latitude 29° 58’ 51” north of the Equator, and longitude 31° 09’ 00’ east of Greenwich—Plate II. A straight line drawn north-eastward from the Pyramid at an angle of 26° 18’ 10” to the above latitude, will, therefore, according to Mercator’s projection, pass through Bethlehem, 233 miles distant, at latitude 31° 42’ 04” north,

and longitude 35° 12’ 12’ east, or through the south-east boundary of that town, in which part the Church of the Nativity is situated.

We are indebted to Captain John Mackeague, Ex.M., for kindly acceding to our request to verify the above result; and also to Captain William Orr Warden, Ex.M., for further proving the calculations.