The great pyramid passages and chambers


397 At the south extremity of the Tyropcon Valley, where it joins the Valley of Hinnom, we passed the pool of Siloam, now a desolate scene with its broken pillars. Further on we descended on the junction of the Valleys of Hinnom and Jehoshaphat, and looking round we admired the walled city towering above us on the summits of its

The lower end of the Valley of Jehoshaphat, looking north.

lofty hills—Plate XCII. To the left was the deep and desolate valley which we had descended, bounded on its north side by Mount Zion and Mount Moriah, and on the south side by the Hill of Evil Counsel and Aceldama—Plate LXXXV.

398 We were told that the Hill of Evil Counsel received its name from the tradition that Caiaphas had a villa on its summit, and that it was there he plotted against the Son of Man. Aceldama, or the field of blood, is said to be the potter’s field in which Judas hanged himself. The hillside below is the place where King Manasseh and others