The great pyramid passages and chambers

571 We were not sorry when we had completed our measuring operations, and at length reached the lower end of the Well. It had been a trying time, but we were happy to think that we had accomplished this part of our work at the Great Pyramid. That Well-shaft is 200 feet in length!

572 We found Grace and the two boys sitting in the Recess in the Small Horizontal Passage leading to the Pit, taking tea, and using the granite block which I have already mentioned, as a table.. Our measuring operations in the Well-shaft had taken us much longer than we had anticipated, and they had commenced without us. This was our last ‘‘tea”’ inside the Great Pyramid of Gizeh; and we were now able to demonstrate what we had remarked on a former occasion about the accommodation of the small Recess, for seven of us now sat in it, and yet we were not too crowded. We afterwards crept into the Pit and hada last look round. We illuminated it with two lengths of magnesium wire, and admired its proportions and rough symbolical floor. Grace had now been in every part of the Pyramid we ourselves had visited, except the Well and Grotto,—and she would not venture down there! Jack had come down with us as far as the Grotto.

We all send our love in the Lord, Your loving brother, MORTON EDGAR.

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