The great pyramid passages and chambers

receiving the information asked for a piece of paper that he might make a note of it. He was anxious to get all the information he could, that he might be a proper guide to visitors to the Great Pyramid of Gizeh.

Sunday, 18th July. We are now in Port Said, waiting for the arrival of the Martaban which is late, and will not be here, we understand, till after midnight. We shall be glad when our feet are on deck. Although we hope to have a restful fortnight on board ship, we have enough work to keep us fully occupied, for we have our notes to examine and arrange, drawings to make, and a great many photographs still to develop.

We are looking forward to meeting all the dear brethren again in Glasgow; and we trust we shall soon be able to let you all have the results of our labours, so that your faith in the Lord’s Holy Word may be stimulated as ours has been, by a rehearsal of the many corroborative evidences of the Lord's Great Stone Witness in the land of Egypt, that wonderful SYMBOL OF THE CHRIST!

With love to all from all, Your loving brother, MORTON EDGAR.

(From John) Dear Brethren,—The earnest desire of us both is that the fruit of our work, when completed and published, may be found to the glory of our heavenly Father. We have experienced keen delight in examining all the wonderful details of the Great Pyramid, and in noting the apt symbolism and the accurate time-measurements embodied in this marvellous structure, and we trust that we shall be enabled by the Lord’s grace to set everything before you in such a way, that you may be able to comprehend them, and join with us in giving glory to God—John.

On board the S.S “ Martaban,”’ homeward-hound.

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