The great pyramid passages and chambers

58 Thus we see that three steps are necessary, first justification, second consecration, and the third glorification. The first two are taken by faith; the third is by the power of God, and will be consummated when those who are faithful to their vow of consecration unto death, are given the inheritance with Christ as actual spirit beings of the Divine nature—1 Cor. 15:53; 2 Pet.1:4. These three steps are shown on the Chart (Plate VI) as three planes, and are referred to in Rom. 5:1, 2— (1) “ Being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom also we have (2) access by faith into this grace [of sanctification] wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of (3) the glory of God”’ (the plane of Divine Glory).

59 The Church nominal is represented on the chart by the imperfect pyramid in the centre of the Gospel Age. It is composed of four classes. Two of these are situated above the plane of spirit-begetting. They are such as have presented their justified human bodies as living sacrifices, and have been begotten of the spirit. The top portion represents the wise virgins who carry out their vows of consecration willingly and faithfully unto death. In the resurrection, they will be raised as spirit beings on the highest plane beside the Lord himself to become his Bride. They will sit with him on his throne and will reign with him a thousand years—Rev. 3:21; 20:6. The other portion represents another class, the foolish virgins, who, not proving so faithful, will be required to come through great tribulation, and will be forced to complete their sacrifice. Such as are rightly exercised by this discipline, will be ‘‘ saved so as by fire,” and will be raised, like the Bride class, as spirit beings, but on a lower plane. They are the virgins, the Bride’s companions, who will follow her. Having washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, they will stand before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple, and the Lamb will lead them unto fountains of water of life, and God will wipe away all tears from their eyes, ‘ With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought; they shall enter into the King’s palace” —Rev. 7: 9-17; Psa. 45: 14, 15.

60 A third class are the justified believers who are not sanctified, and are not, therefore, spirit-begotten. If they do not take the step of consecration, their reasonable service, they will find that they have received the grace of God in vain (2 Cor. 6:1; Luke 9: 24), and will require to take their portion along with the world in the Millennial Age. They are represented by the portion of the imperfect pyramid which is situated on the plane of human perfection or justification, and below the plane of spiritbegetting. 61 The fourth class, represented by that part which is below the human perfection plane, do not properly belong to the Church. They have no faith in Christ as their Saviour, and are therefore not even justified, but really belong to the world of the ungodly. They have become attached to the Church from purely worldly interests, or from fear. These are the “ tares’’ which the enemy sowed, and which have been permitted, in accordance with the Lord’s command, to grow side by side with the ‘true wheat’ until the time of the ‘ harvest” at the end of the Age, when the separation is due to take place—Matt. 13: 18-30, 34-43.

62 This “harvest” period with its accompanying time of trouble, is represented in the chart by the shading at the end of the Second Dispensation, where the large imperfect pyramid is seen to be broken, representing the separation of the four classes which