The great pyramid passages and chambers

socket-foundations. Commenting upon this fact, Dr. Seiss declares: ‘ Nor is it only to the pyramidal form in general that the allusion is, but toa particular pyramid. By that strange reference to the sunken feet or planting of the foundations in ‘sockets,’ we are conducted directly to the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. Two socketed ‘ encastrements,’ ‘socles,’ shoes, or incised sinkings into the rock were found under two of its base corners by the French savants in 1799, which were again uncovered and described by Colonel Howard Vyse, in 1837. And as God here speaks of such a fastening down of the foundations in general, Professor C. Piazzi Smyth was persuaded that there were corresponding ‘sockets’ at the other two base corners, and when search was made for them in 1865, they were found by Messrs. Aiton and Inglis, assisted by Professor Smyth. Here then are the whole four ‘sockets’ or fastened foundations. Nothing of the sort exists at any other known pyramid. They are among the distinctive marks of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. They are the enduring tracks of its feet cut into the living rock, by which almighty God himself identifies it for us as the original image from which his own description of the creation is drawn '’—See Plate V.

83 During this Gospel Age there has been erected a counterfeit Antitypical Pyramid, the workmanship of Satan. Claiming to rule by Divine right, it has dominated the whole world for many centuries ; but it is not the Kingdom for which the Lord taught his disciples to pray: ‘‘ Thy Kingdom come.’ Soon its sins will have reached unto heaven, and God will remember its iniquities ; and its plagues will come in one day, death and mourning and famine; and it will be utterly destroyed with fire ; for strong is the Lord God who judgeth it—Rev. 18: 5, 8. This will be in the great time of trouble which will end this Gospel Age. In the Chart of the Ages given in the preceding chapter (Plate VI), the great time of trouble is represented by the shaded part at the end of the Gospel Age. The large imperfect pyramid here shown falling in ruins, represents the destruction of Babylon the Great,’ the counterfeit Antitypical Pyramid which has never been completed. In the 51st chapter of Jeremiah, the Lord intimates that for if there will be neither “ headstone,” nor “ foundation-stones.” ‘Behold I am against thee, O destroying mountain [kingdom], saith the Lord, which destroyeth the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain: and they shall not take from thee a stone for a corner, nor a stone for foundations; but everlasting ruins shalt thou be, saith the Lord” —Jer. 51: 25, 26,—Leeser's translation. This vivid description of the Lord’s judgment doubtless applied to the literal Babylon of the prophet’s day, but as indicated by the many citations in the book of Revelation, it is to have its Antitypical fulfilment in the destruction of ‘‘ Babylon the Great "’—Rev. 17:5; 18.

84 The Great Pyramid of Gizeh, according to Greek, Roman, and early Arabian writers, was formerly covered by a beautiful smooth white-stone casing, which gave to the structure almost mathematical truth and perfection. This casing remained in position until about the year 1000 a.D., when, profiting by the effects of a severe earthquake recorded to have happened in 908 a.D., the Caliphs of Egypt began to strip off the polished bevelled blocks. The Great Pyramid now presents a dilapidated appearance, and surrounding it on all four sides are great mounds of rubbish fifty feet high, the fragments of many of the once beautiful casing-stones.

85 In his explorations in 1837, Colonel Howard Vyse, employed hundreds of