The house of Industry : a new estate of the realm


each department to the appropriate Commons Committee. Have you any objections to that? ”

“« Several; but let us follow up your suggestion. The Commons have important political work to do as well as industrial.”

‘That is so; nothing must hinder us in the great, the sacred task of putting the coping stone upon those political truths for which our fathers fought and suffered.”’

‘Very good. Now, when the Election comes, after you have nationalised everything, there will be a great influx of Industrialists as candidates.”

‘‘ Certainly; that’s very desirable.”’

“And since the electors are more concerned with their bread and butter than with political platitudes, they’ll probably vote for the Industrialists instead of the Politicians? *’

‘‘T fear so. Certainly in a great many constituencies.”’ ‘‘ Therefore your next House of Commons will be a jumble of Industrialists and Politicians. And almost certainly the Industrialists will be in a majority.”’

‘““T wouldn’t go so far as that; but there’d be a great many Industrialists.”’

“‘ Moreover, during the Election, there would be many politicians with vitally true things to say, who would encounter nothing but frustration and cross-purposes. For the electors might agree with the Politicians about politics and the opposing Industrialists about Industry. The results would be that millions of voters would be put to the