The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


vaders shows the exact date of their passage, ie. August 15th (new style). During my inspection of the premises I found inscriptions in the cupboards: «Pope, if you come back, see what the ¢ Schwabe’ has done.” ¢ Go to the —————, pope, with your popess and the whole of Serbia.” His vestments were likewise torn.

In Yarebitze, town of 2,115 inhabitants

Teheda Antonitch, assistant judge, and Radomir Maditch, commissioner of police, declare: In Yarebitze one house and very many barns, stables and hayricks were fired.

Milorad Paltrovitch, aged 33, merchant, deposes, that all his goods were destroyed or ruined with paint which they found on the premises. A sewingmachine was broken and the safe gutted. According to him, he had altogether 50,000 or 60,000 francs’ worth of goods stolen or ruined. He succeeded, however, in taking away in his flight all the securities he had kept in the safe. As a matter of fact, every safe in the parish, 6 in all, was forced and burgled.

Pantelia Stefanovitch, aged 62, merchant. Stefanovitch is the owner of two shops. According to him the damage caused by the Austrians (everything was looted and ruined) represents a loss of 100,000 frs. to him.

In Zavlaka the sack was general. As usual, the Austrians carried off every article of value.

In Likodra there were likewise many houses pillaged by the Austrians.