The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


No. 12

Lieutenant Draghisha Stoiadinovitch, Second in Command of the 2nd Coy. of the 1st Battn. of the 13th Infantry Regt., reports under the date of August 9/22nd :

While going the rounds, I saw in the village of Txulkovitch, a house which was in a condition of utter disorder ; everything was wrecked, and in a state which was obviously due to the looting which had taken place there. All the other houses I could see had been subjected to the same fate. The enemy had plundered monstrously in the village.

No. 13

Captain [Ilia Pantitch, Officer in Command of the 4th Company of the 2nd Battalion of the 13th Infantry Regt., reports under the date of August 12/25th :

In the village of Prnjavor the enemy seized upon everything that was of any value; he principally carried off the outfits of the young girls. When the Austrians were compelled to beat a retreat they set fire to Prnjavor. In the street on the road from Leshnitza to Shabatz almost every house has been fired. The same applied to the street on the road to Radovintze. The whole village has been destroyed by the flames, with the exception of the south-eastern portion where the road branches off to Petkovitza.

The numerous depositions of Austrian prisoners, of Serbian authorities and civilians clearly show