The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations


Note A: THE Masonic Co.Liar (page 3)

This chapter is very short and consists of a vignette

showing a collar, a short text, followed by a Rubric instructing that “‘ this chapter shall be said over a collar of gold whereon it hath been engraved, and the collar placed on the neck of the deceased on the day of the funeral ”.

Note B (page 4)

“ With the sacred writings in hand I went through the secret places of the Great House; and I greatly doubt whether anyone will do the same, bearing in mind the traditions of the priests, and picturing to himself the midnight watch of the lonely neophyte amid the impenetrable darkness of those solemn chambers, without recognizing how apt was that awe-inspiring structure for the initiation into the secrets of the unseen world.”’—Book of the Master, p. viii.

Note B1: THe LEGEND oF Osiris (page 7)

At the time of the birth of Osiris, a loud voice was heard to proclaim that the great and good king Osiris had now come to the earth and was lord of all (compare Luke ii, 10-14, respecting the nativity of our Lord).