The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations


(£ = footnote)

Bible references, 1, 29-34, 36, 41, 54, 58, 69, 73, 74, 76 (f), 92, 95, 96, 102, 106 (f.), 113, 116-18.

Apams, Marsham: Book of the Master, 58, 68-9, 86-7, 104-5, 109, 131-2.

— House of the Hidden Places, 6, 49, 87 (£.).

BonwIck, James: Pyramid Facts and Fancies, 69-70, 81.

BREASTED, Professor James: History of Egypt, 64-5.

Bunce, Sir E. A. Wallis: Book of the Dead, 60, 62-3, 123, 130.

Dwellers on the Nile, 46-7.

History of Egypt (vol. ii), 24, 114.

Cambridge Ancient History (vol. i), 9.

Casry, Charles: Philitis (4th ed.), 75.

CuapMan, F. W.: Great Pyramid of Ghizeh: its Symbolism and Purport, 30, 122-3.

Corr, J. H.: Determination of the Exact Size and Orientation of the Great Pyramid of Giza, 70.

CotswortH, M. B.: Rational Almanac, 69, 121, 127.

Davipson, D.: Early Egypt, Babylonia, and Central Asia, 23-4.

Great Pyramid : Its Divine Message, 5, 11 (f.), 19, 80.

Talks on Great Pyramid, 6, 7 (f.), 115.

Epcar, John and Morton: Great Pyramid Passages (vol. i), 122.

Garnizr, Col. J., R.E.: Great Pyramid : Its Builder and its Prophecy 113.

GREAVES, Professor John: Pyramidographia, 15.

JosEepHus : Antiquities, 17.

Perrik, Sir Flinders: Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh (2nd ed.), 13.

Procror, Richard A.: Great Pyramid : Observatory, Tomb, and Temple,


Sriss, Joseph A., D.D.: Miracle in Stone (9th ed.), 31, 34-5, 114, 117-18.

Smytu, Piazzi: Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid, 45, 47, 84, 119.

Spence, Lewis: Mysteries of Britain, 124.

Myths of Ancient Egypt,-2, 56.

— Problem of Atlantis, 128.

Stewart, B.: Witness of Great Pyramid (2nd ed.), 7, 34 (f.), 99 (£.), 112, 115 (f.), 116, 125.

Vyse, Col. Howard: Operations at Pyramids of Gizeh, 11, 111.

WappveLt, L. A., LL.D.: Pheenician Origin of Britons, Scots, and Anglo-Saxons, 115.

Wake, C. Staniland: Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid, 112.