The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations


collection of texts and prayers to notice the close resemblance existing between its Ritual and that of Freemasonry. It is full of passwords and signs which the soul had to give on its journey of purification towards its goal in the ‘“‘ Chamber of the Open Tomb ”, while the illustrations from it clearly suggest the origin of some of the Masonic insignia, such as the apron and the collar worn on all ceremonial occasions by Freemasons (see, for example, the vignette to chapter xv here reproduced, and which occurs in several other chapters, showing

Ani, the scribe, wearing an apron, and behind him his wife (also shown in illustration at p. 61); see also Note A in Appendix for vignette to chapter clviii, showing the Masonic collar).

The Great Pyramid, however, could hardly have been actually used as a Masonic Temple, since its upper passages and chambers were impossible of direct access, being blocked by the granite plug at the commencement of the first ascending passage leading to them during construction.