The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations


Another distinctive feature regarding the site of the Great Pyramid which, however, is only of secondary interest here, but which forms an important clue to the meaning of the reference in Isaiah xix. 19-20, and the aspect of the Pyramid as dealt with in our other volume, is that it stands at the centre of the arc which coincides with the curved coast-line of Egypt—that is in the centre of Egypt proper, the Delta, or Lower Egypt as called to-day—and also at the border thereof, at the edge of the Libyan Desert.

Fig. 3

Remarkable as is the situation of the Great Pyramid with reference not only to the country in which it is placed, but also to the whole globe, it is equally distinctive in its relation to the two principal points to which all measurements of space must be primarily referred—the centre and the pole of the earth ; its distance from the pole being equal to its distance from the centre. In other words, if a line be drawn from the North Pole to the