The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations


it in this capacityas the dial. Its north face was therefore in shadow during the winter half of the year, and in light during the summer. Anyone, therefore, standing at the centre of the north base at the time of the equinoxes, would literally see the sun as if it was “‘ resting upon the summit with all its rays”’. (See Note V 1.)

In this connection the following from Bonwick, citing another writer, is of interest as showing that this aspect of the Great Pyramid was understood over fifty years ago :—

** Tt follows from its dimensions, and the latitude under which this pyramid is erected, that fourteen days before the spring equinox, the precise period at which the Persians celebrated the revival of nature, the sun would cease to cast a shade at mid-day, and could not again cast it until fourteen days after the autumnal equinox. Then the day, or the sun, would be found in the parallel or circle of southern declension, which answers to 5° 15’; this would happen twice a year—once before the spring, and once after the fall (autumn), equinox. The sun would then appear exactly at mid-day upon the summit of this pyramid.”

This same author also quotes from two other writers passages which we reproduce here in virtue of what we have said above respecting the sundial property of the Great Pyramid, and its connection with Osiris and the rites followed by his votaries.

The first writer is an American investigator, by name Stewart (apparently a writer on astronomy, but publication cited from is not given). Referring to the position of the sun at the equinoxes, he says: “The sun would then appear exactly at mid-day upon the summit of this (the Great) Pyramid; there his majestic disk would appear, for some moments, placed upon this immense pedestal, and seem to rest upon it, while his worshippers, at its base, extending their view along the inclined plane of the northern

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