The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


hitherto been known no earlier than about 2000 B.C.,' or still later.*

Thad long observed that amongst the most cherished ancestral possessions which the Indian branch of the Khattiyo Ariyo Barats had brought with them from their old homeland to their new colony in India, like Aineas in his exile jealously bringing with him his “ rescued household gods ’’ from his old Trojan homeland, were their treasured traditional lists of their ancestral Aryan kings, extending back continuously to the first Aryan dynasty in prehistoric times.

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Fic. 5.—Phcenician Coin of Carthage inscribed “‘ Barat.’’ (After Duruy Hist. romaine.) Note the winged Sun-horse (Asva of the Catti Briton coins) and on obverse the head of Barats or “ Britannia:” See later.

Those treasured ancestral Aryan King Lists they embedded in their great epic the Maha Barata in summary; but in their * Older Epics ” (the Puvana) they religiously preserved them in full detail. There they cover many hundreds of pages, recording in full detail the main line and numerous branch line dynasties from the commencement of the Aryan period down to historical times; and specifying the names and titles of the various kings, reproduced with scrupulous care, and citing in regard to the more famous of them their chief achievements, thus making the record something of a chronicle of the kings as well. These traditional Aryan kings are implicitly believed by all Brahmins and modern orthodox Hindus to be the genuine lineal ancestors of the present day ruling Indo-Aryan caste in

1G.LH., 52. *SH. r6andH.N.E.199. 3 Virgil 4neid 1. 382