The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


inhabitants, but in virtue of some political and military agreement. And consequently it was done so. They planned an attack upon Turkey, but also an alliance against Austria-Hungary. Bulgaria being considered militarily stronger, was entitled for her greater exertion to the larger portion of the territory to be conquered. Thus a military convention was signed between them as an integral part of the treaty of alliance, by which convention the military duties of the contracting parties were strictly apportioned and determined. But it so happened that Bulgaria was for some reason or other unable to perform fully the duties assigned to her by the convention. Moreover Serbia, besides having taken upon herself part of Bulgaria’s military duty in Macedonia, was asked for and gave the necessary assistance to Bulgaria for the operations around Adrianople. Serbia consequently asserted that Bulgaria by not entirely fulfilling her duties had forfeited the right to part of the whole territory assigned to her by the treaty, and thought she, Serbia, having done more than was provided by the convention, had acquired the right to some compensation. Bulgaria was adamantine in her resolve to allow no compensation to Serbia, and stuck to her own interpretation that the line of division im Macedonia had nothing to do with the military convention. And in spite of the third article of the Secret Appendix to the treaty of alliance which runs: 192