The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


the cause of the Allies, has deserved every help in his arduous task of transforming Albania into a State governed on modern European lines.

For fifteen centuries the Serbs and Albanians have lived in the closest touch and neighbourhood. They have mingled to such an extent that it is difficult to say where the Albanians begin and the Serbs end. They have fought each other, like the Scots and the English; but they have also had centuries of friendship, good understanding, and mutual help; and they have possibilities of comprehending each other better than is presumed in many European capitals. The whole history of their mutual relations shows that Serbs and Albanians have always lived on friendly terms when left alone without foreign interference. Albania wants peace, organisation, and true patriotism, which could never be introduced from abroad. Reconciled with Montenegro, Albania may enjoy peace. Essad Pasha, who has won the reputation of a good patriot, and disposes of ample forces for imposing his authority on the recalcitrant and _ selfish beys, is better fitted than any one else to lead Albania into new ways while presiding over her destiny.

The Albanians have full right to organise themselves into a national self-governing community and the Southern Slavs must be the first to recognise and respect that right by proving a loyal and friendly neighbour to Albania. They