The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


in the fact of who are the Allies on both sides of this world struggle. Germany, whilst attempting to drive Russia from out of Europe, has excluded herself from the European family. Her allies are the Magyars, the Turks and the Bulgars, all three the defeated vanguard of PanMongolism. They attack Russia and the Slavs with a truly Oriental hatred, mystic, sombre, and subconscious. Russia and the Slavs have arrested their devastating march, they have subdued their mystic ardour of destruction and compelled them to accept—however outwardly—the European way of life and thinking. Have they not joined with Germany because they have found in the present struggle the last opportunity for revenge and destruction? But for this fact it would be impossible to imagine that “ idealistic ” Germany could find allies only among the poor remnants of Asiatic races, who were never inspired by any other but the lowest materialistic tendencies. Who are the allies of Russia and the Slavs? The true European nations, the best representatives of the Aryan genius. In fighting Germany and her Mongol allies they fight for the Slav place in Europe. They are helping Russia and the Slavs to shake off all still lingering traces of the Mongolian yoke. With their help the Slav world will realise its synthetic mission in becoming a bridge connecting West and East. But every evolution passes through different cycles. If Russia and the Slavs in general have this mission of bridging the gulf between Europe and 268