The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


of their Asiatic home. There is no continuity in the political life of Bulgaria. Their energies manifested themselves in sudden rises to might and power like the whirlwinds of Central Asia, driving before them pillars of sand, devastating the fertile oasis and annihilating the labour of man. But, like the whirlwind, her rises were always of short duration, followed by long apathy and inertia. Without a struggle she succumbed before the Turks; during five long centuries of abject slavery she never made any insurrection. When called to life by Russia’s fight, she developed unexpected energy, but as she never knew the happy mean, she was carried away by swollen ambitions, by low passions, and lost her head. After this war it is possible that we may witness a fresh period of long prostration so familiar in Bulgaria’s history. But this war, in shaking the world to its very foundations, may perhaps once and for all cure Bulgaria of the evil spirit of hatred and insane ambition which possessed her soul until now. The Allies can merely create the physical conditions, but the thorough healing must come by the operation of Bulgaria’s own inner, moral energies. The question is, whether Bulgaria will be European or Asiatic. Her choice must be freely made. If she chooses the latter, she may continue a life of sullen mood, of latent hate and creeping desire of revenge, breeding revolt and envy. But measures will be taken that she might do no 278