The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


Magyar oligarchy, which, allied to, and supported by, Germany, ruled by force and corruption over so large a number of alien nations, was not prepared to make any concession; and preferred to rule over an impoverished Hungary enslaved to Germany rather than to share their power with any of the subjugated races.

These three predominant factors in AustriaHungary, the Germans, the Hapsburg dynasty and the Magyars, were so closely united in a fatal concordance of ambitions and interests that it is difficult to say which among them was more responsible and a more willing party to the criminal conspiracy against peace and European liberties. Germany coerced the Hapsburg dynasty to her subservience by the ever-present menace of dismembering its Monarchy and incorporating its German provinces. They coerced the Magyars to the same effect by menacing them with the enfranchisement of the other nationalities in Hungary. The Hapsburg dynasty, by its willingness to assist Germany in her schemes of world dominion, exacted in payment for her services the upholding of its divine right over the peoples in the Monarchy, and her diplomatic and military assistance for the realisation of its own ambitions and plans of conquest in the Balkans. The Magyars also, in turn the masters and the slaves, obtained the approval and support of the Hapsburg dynasty and of the Germans for the maintenance of their privileged

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