The religion of Logos and Sophia : from the writings of Dimitrije Mitrinović on Christianity

cendental. The Divine is for our attainment.’

The Christian faith is that Divinity has been attained by Man in the Person of Christ Jesus.

‘Now in Jesus Christ dwelt the whole fulness of Godhead bodily. His inwardness knew reality. He realised reality in the absolute sense of fullness, of perfection. His self-presence and self-beholding were the knowledge of Truth. He was infinite and He knew it, leaving the Christian revelation behind Him as the proof of His divine cognisance.’

This insight into the Divinity of Jesus Christ helps us to imagine from our own experience, and not merely as some remote phantasy, the notion of God and Man being united in one Person, but it is no simple faith. On the one hand it is a profound cosmic mystery, of which Mitrinovi¢ wrote ‘Jesus the Galilean was that Son of the human race who by his inwardness and in his titanic and iron heart kept the Spirit of the Sun, the Over-Soul of our own humanity on its evolutionary passage through the Ego of the Geon’. And on the other we are not asked to believe as straightforward historical and scientific fact anything for which we have not sufficient evidence. ‘Christ’ wrote Mitrinovié, ‘is the Principle of humanity. Christ is the dignity and courage of knowing that God is Spirit.’

Mitrinovic wrote of the Mystery of the Universal Man:

‘Did Jesus exist? If that human being did exist, was He the Saviour: Was He the New Adam: Christianity is that human faith which believes in the actual presence of Infinity, of the Ever-living One in the human nature, in the inwardness of mere humans. Individuation, self-presence, singleness is the essence of human beings. God’s infinite Fullness and Glory is individuated and differentiated in the logoic, personal beings that we are. Christianity is the revelation of this truth. Christianity is the principle and oracle of ripeness and of coming of age of the human race. Divinity is cognised as spiritual, inward, immaterial; but also individuated. The Over-Soul of Adam has become single and has attained personal existence in the Christ-Mystery; the highest dignity and the most central truth-attainment by our race was attained by it. The Universal has become single. Humanity
