The Vedic fathers of geology


whole mist had gradually vanished, and solid ground was, by and by, vividly perceived, which clearly showed that the Vedic Rishis had not only superficial knowledge of, but intimate acquaintance with Geology. For, while writing in Marathi The Bharatiya Sdmrdjya or the History of the Hindu Empire, (in twentytwo volumes, of which, by the bye, eleven have already been placed before the Public, the remaining eleven having been in course of

publication ), as also another work in Marathi

and in English, viz., The Arydvartic Home and the Aryan Cradle in the Sapta-Sindhus, or From Arydvarta to the Aretic and from the Cradle to the Colony, 1 had naturally to ransack the whole field of the Rig-Veda, and other Vedic and ancient Sanskrit Literature ; and it was then, that I had come across many passages, numerous comments, and sundry arguments, The study of these, first made me think, that our Vedic fore-fathers were, in all probability acquainted with the main features, and perhaps witheven the minute details of Geology, I,

- therefore, gave a second thought to what had

occurred to my mind as only a probability at frst, and continued my researches with persistent energy. 1 then minutely examined the various original Sanskrit texts from this stand-