The Vedic fathers of geology
Krita-Yuga 143,144, 145, 146. Krittikas 27, 135. ( Vide Pleiades ), Ketkar V.B.-on the antiquity of the Vedas 26, Kulluka-the great commentator of Manu 37. Kurukshetra 42. Kaushitaki Bra’hmana 99.
La Bible Dans L’ Inde, or The Bible in work of M. Louis Jacolliot 152.
Land-appearance and rise of |
-( and mountains ) above waters 16, 21,121, 122. Land-of our birth ( that is,
of the A’ryans ) 149,
-of the brave and the pious 75.
-of choice regions 76.
-of commerce and trade 9
—of equal days and nights 76.
-of heroism and prise 75.
-of the Heayenon Harth 76.
—of medicinal herbs and plants 76.
-of Patriotism and selfSacrifice 76.
—of Sacred pleasures 75.
India. A |}
-of Sacrifices 76.
-of the Scene of Creation 76.
=of the Scene where life had first commenced 75,
-of Science and Art 76.
-of the Seven Rivers 75..
- (Vide the Seven Rivers).
-of Six seasons 76.
-of valour and renown 76.
-of virtue and greatness76. -vf yirtue and kindness76. Land-plants 110.
Lapworth-Charles-2, 126, 129, 134, 154, -His views about the-
scope of Geology 2, 3, Laurentian rocks 129. Lee-J. E. 129.
Lehman 92, 93, 94. Leipnitz 92, 93, 125. Libraries—Destruction of p.-
VY, VIII, 7.
Life in the fluid of the deep
dormant 18,
-on Earth 8, 9, 10, 16, 18, 21, 22, 88, 101, 128.
-in weeds, or herbs 22, 87, 88, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 128, 130.
-in lotus 87, 88.
-in moss 87.
-in plants 87.
-in trilobites 87, 108, 111,. 128.