The Vedic fathers of geology


Now, for convenient treatment of the subject, I have divided this Work into five chapters as under :—

I. The Vedic Discoveries in Geology

Il. The Great Antiquity of the Vedas from the Geological point of view

Tll. Modern Geological Researches of the West.

IV. Geological Researches of the Hast and the West compared. VY. An Episode of the Glacial Period, and the subsequent Quaternary Hra. Unpractised in the office and the art of systematic discussion of a scientific subject, 1 would certainly rejoice in my own incompetence, should it provoke the championship of abler hands, superior talents, and defter pens, on behalf of Natural Justice, due to our Vedic Fathers in the matter of Geology, against the conventional unfairness and unmerited slur that slanders them often.

T am aware of the sharp criticism and even deep resentment that I shall probably provoke. And yet, for the sake of filial duty to my Primitive Ancestors and greatly Revered Vedie Fathers, | shrink not from the encounter, nor