The Vedic fathers of geology

Tur Vepic DiscoveRTES IN Grotocy. 17%

[ may here mention and venture to state, that the aforesaid description of the origin of things and of the Earth, in the Taittiriva Upanishad (ii. 1), is but a synoptical view of the oradual evolation of life-types and of geological formations, and corresponds, in the main and essential particulars, though not in somany words, to what the eminent geologists and acknowledged authorities of modern times say, as regards the existence and primary conditions of our Planet, the formation of its recks, its mineral mutations, and its vital gradation and progress. And although the foregoing discussions have been held. hy some to apply to the evolution of Cosmos in Metaphysics, still, they, none the less, apply to geological rocks and formations, that have made their appearance on [arth, im consecutive sequence. Because, the same can be proved by ample evidence from the Rig-Veda and other sources, as we shall presently show.

As previously observed, ( p 13 ), we find in the Taittiriya Braéhmana, allusion made to the creation and its evolution, which in substance only means that the Earth was at first in a chaotic state and enveloped in gaseons matter (AtaratareHisstaa ), or was in a state of igneous fusion ( तस्मापत्तनाद्ध्िरजायत ); णन्‌ having caused water to flow, after refrigeration and condensation of vapour, there was the Thermal Ocean