The Vedic fathers of geology

34 Tur Vepic Farumrs or Gronoey.

is any Vedic evidence in Support of the facts alleged, and referred to above. In my work entitled, “ The Aryavartic Home and the Aryan cradle in the Sapta Sindhus”, or “ From Aryivarta to the Arctic and from the Cradle to the Colony ”, and in my larger work in Marathi with still greater details, (both now in the Press), T have endeavoured to prove, by all sorts of eyidences, Vedic and non-Vedic, Seriptural and profane, scientific and demonstrative, historical and traditional, that we are autochthonous in India ; that we were born in Ap yavarta on the banks orin the region of the reputed and the most sacred riyer the Sarasvati, which was deemed by our very ancient Vedic ancestors of the Tertiary Period to be the scene where life had first commenced ; that our Colony of young adventurers, having emigrated from and left Aryavarta, had colonised distant lands of Asia, Africa, Europe, and America, and settled in the Arctic and Cireum-Polar Tegions, during the Tertiary Epoch, at a time when the climate of the Arctic regions having been genial, these were ft for human habitation ; that at the sight of the new phenomena of everlasting Dawns, as also of the unusual long days and nights of the Arctic Reoious,—to which our colonists from India ( BharataVarsha ) were not accustomed while living in their Mother-Country- Aryavarta,their astonish-