Towards democracy

Towards Democracy 9

Do you understand? To realise Freedom or Equality (for it comes to the same thing)—for this hitherto, for you, the universe has rolled; for this, your life, possibly yet many lives ; for this, death, many deaths ; for this, desires, fears, complications, bewilderments, sufferings, hope, regret —all falling away at last duly before the Soul, before You (O laughter!) arising the full grown lOY Ets BOSsses0" of the password.

The path of Indifference—action, inaction, good, evil, pleasure, pain, the sky, the sea, cities and wilds—all equally used (never shunned), adopted, put aside, as materials only you continuing, loye continuing—the use and freedom of materials dawning at last upon you.

O langhter! the Soul invading, looking proudly upon its new kingdom, possessing the offerings of all pleasures, forbidden and unforbidden, from all created things—if perchance it will stoop to accept them; the everlasting life.

From that day forward objects turn round upon themselves with an exceedingly innocent air, but are visibly not the same ;

Fate is leveled, and the mountains and pyramids look foolish before the glance of a little child; love becomes possessed of itself, and of the certainty of its own fruition (which it never could have before). -

Here the essence of all expression, and the final surrender of Art—for this the divine Artists have struggled and still struggle ;